8x7-segments Display TM1638


The connection of the display is set the following way :
You can find the connection information on the back of the card.

Afficheur ST Nucleo
5V 5V


At first, it is necessary to include libraries :
It can be downloaded from arduino IDE under Sketch > Include Library > Manage libraries and searching tm1638. Choose TM1638plus.

// Libraries include
#include <TM1638plus.h>

Next we initialise communication pins with the card and we start the communication:

// Card declaration
//           STB  CLK  DIO
TM1638plus tm(D2, D3 , D4);

// Communication and display begin

Now the card is ready to be used and here are the instructions to use the different parts :

  • LEDs :
    The shown card (JY-LKM1638) is equipped with bicolor leds green and red, which is not the case for all TM1638 cards.
    tm.setLEDs(value); : turn on/off leds depending on the value : 0xRRGG where RR et GG are hexadecimal codes to turn on/off the red/green component.
    tm.setLED(position, value); : turn on/off led at indicated position.
// Gestion des leds
tm.setLEDs(0xE006); // turn on leds 6-8 in red and 2-3 in green
tm.setLEDs(0x0180); // turn on led 1 in red and 8 in green
tm.setLED(0, 0);	// turn off led 1
tm.setLED(1,1); 	// turn on led 2 in red
tm.setLED(2,2); 	// turn on led 3 in green
tm.setLED(3,3); 	// turn on led 4 in red and green (light orange)
  • Buttons :
    tm.readButtons(); return a 8-bits word with 1 to indicate the button is pressed. e.g. if tm.keys() return 0b00100001, that means that the 1st and 6th buttons are pressed.
// Get information on the buttons
boutons = tm.readButtons();
  • Segments :
    tm.displayText("word"); : allow to write caracters 0-9, A-Z, space, -, _ and dots. Display is left aligned and doesn’t erase what was previously written if the word is shorter than 8 caracters.
    tm.displayIntNum(nombre, bool); : allow to write an integer. Display is right aligned and erases non-filled cases if bool = false and right aligned filled with 0 if bool = true.
    tm.display7Seg(pos, 0bpgfedcba); : allow to modify a caratcter with the wished configuration according to the following picture :


// Segments
tm.displayText("  _--_  ");

tm.displayIntNum(72, false); 	// "72      "
tm.displayIntNum(-92345, true);	// "-0092345"
tm.display7Seg(2, 0b11011011);	// display '2.' on the 3rd caracter
tm.display7Seg(7, 0b01110110);	// display 'H' on the last caracter
  • Brightness adjustment :
    It is possible to change the leds and segments brightness with tm.brightness(value).
// Modify leds and segments brightness
tm.brightness(0); // min brightness
tm.brightness(7); // max brightness